Sunday, May 31, 2009

Bierfest zwei tausand neun immer das Pub!

Wir haben eine grosse Bier! 

We spent yesterday at the Musik instrument collection of historical instruments obviously. Very cool. Then we had dinner at a Pub outside of town and gathered in singing songs and drinking bier. Afterwards we went out for a night on the town and stopped at an Australian the way, a quick word of advice for American not ask "wo ist die Kangaroo" those are in australia, this is austria. Apparently its a problem and a joke with the townsfolk. they have shirts with pictures saying, no kangaroos in austria. We had a good day overall. I am for sure hungover and I have no problems admitting it. It was well worth the experience with friends. Who knew that bier would be the cheapest drink and wasser(water) would be just as expensive in some places as coca cola! In my apparent drunken state of mind, my german apparently improved as i conversed with several locals and my friends back home that are from germany. Alles gut! There is more music going on in this city every hour at every place we go, than in the biggest cities in america. And it is all devoted to haydn, mozart, or beethoven and several other notable composers. truly astonishing. 

today we take a tour of der Shonbrunn palace


  1. wondered what you were doing yesterday.. what is the alcohol content of the beer over there i bet is 15% or higher.. did you all just drink or did you eat any brats etc;
    good pictures, how old was that timpani??

  2. Your German definitely HAS improved! I was impressed last night!

    Glad you're having fun. I love being immersed in a culture that truly appreciates The Arts! People will come out in masses just to hear a performance, regardless of what ensemble it is. It's fantastic!

    Glad you're having fun. I wish I could be there, too!

  3. glad you are having fun, can't wait to see pics and hear all about. you and dad will have to come to garden city and go fishing.see you can.phillip @ maureen
