Friday, May 29, 2009

Ach, Ich bin im Wien!

  Ich bin sehr gut und im der Hostel nach Wien. 
We arrived an hour and 25 minutes late due to a delayed take off in Washington. However, we arrived, dropped off luggage and immediately started our tour of the city. The Photos above are (top) Stephandsom Cathedral, being renovated. (middle) the hofburg palace grounds (bottom)me on plane to Vienna.


  1. beautiful picts

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Hahaha! You know why I'm laughing at the last photo? We talked about this over dinner before you left. You KNOW! =)

    Glad you're sightseeing already! I'll be there soon.

  4. Glad you made it safe!! I miss you! We need to hang out whenever you come back! Have a great time in Europe! I am sooooo jealous!
