Friday, June 5, 2009


Sorry it has been a busy few days here in Wien. With the Albrechts guiding us around town we have stayed busy sightseeing and learning. We visited the archives to view death records of musicians and composers to see just how Ted and Carol go about researching the lives of these original musicians of Beethoven's orchestra. We also stopped in the music and theatre archives which house archives of several centuries of performance programs and flyers all originals! We got to see the original flyer for Beethoven's 9th symphony! Also for several other works and their premiers. Our internet has been down two nights because folks were using the washing machines, the dryers, and ironing and apparently the fuses blew. The churches have all been amazing. Last night we were able to attend a free concert outside of the Vienna Philharmonic at Schonbrunn Palace!!! Pictures here. 
Tonight we went to the crypts to see where the entire line of Imperial Austria was buried. Incredible. Pictures also attached. More to come. 

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